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About Hair Loss

Hair defines many things for a woman –personality, attractiveness, success, health and social status, just to name a few. Losing it can have a dramatic effect on both self esteem and social life. Many women feel that with their hair, they've lost a large part of who they are.

There are many reasons why women lose hair. Hormonal imbalances, postpartum/stress, chemotherapy, and disorders such as trichtilliomania are just a few. Female hair loss can also be induced by certain prescription drugs or result from the use of harsh chemical relaxers and extremely tight hair braiding that can cause permanent damage to the hair follicle.

 But the most common type of hair loss among women is female pattern thinning, or Androgenetic Alopecia. For this we can blame a chemical called Dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT builds up around the hair follicle and eventually kills both the hair follicle and the hair. The hair follicle's resistance to DHT is genetic, so if there are others in your family with thinning hair, there's a pretty good chance at some point you'll experience the same. That is, unless you decide to experience more.

The onset of menopause causes a drop off in the production of estrogen. And without estrogen to produce testosterone-blocking enzymes, testosterone can be freely converted to DHT on the scalp. The result is a shorter hair growth cycle, finer hair, and hair loss. This is a time in all women's lives that many things are changing.

  • Of the 100,000 hairs on your head, you need to lose about half before it's noticeable. And when that point is reached, most of the time you're not the only one who notices the hair loss.

  • Losing 50-100 hairs a day is normal. It's when they don't grow back that things get rough. Which is why Hair Club has stepped in to help hundreds of thousands of clients change their hair count, and their lives.

  • Hair loss in women is much more common than people think. About half of all women are affected by hair loss of some kind by age 50. The plus side – you can do something to change that.

The key to achieving the naturalness of the Bio-Matrix, is its Strand by Strand® process. We accomplish this by closely examining the spiraling crown area of your head that may be balding or thinning and then adding real human hair in the same natural way that it grows. Our hair replacement professionals create a virtually undetectable matrix of crisscrossing, transparent fibers that are shaped to specifically fit the balding and thinning areas of your head. So no matter how close you get, no one will notice a thing.

Afterwards, one of our expert hair stylists will complete your look with the cut and style of your hair. We don't just aim to make you look as good as you did, we're shooting for even better. When styling your hair, our hair experts take into consideration your age and facial structure, to create a look that will make heads turn.

The Bio-Matrix is a custom-made blend of your own hair with real human hair that is matched to your individual requirements. The hair replacement process is semi-permanent, natural-looking, and virtually undetectable. Extreme Hair Therapy is an intense rejuvenation and hair loss prevention program that works to stimulate hair growth in thinning areas by keeping hair follicles in the growth phase longer, growing thicker hairs, and slowing further hair thinning. The hair therapy regimen is made up of an advanced hair rejuvenation cleansing and conditioning system for balding and thinning hair, an FDA-approved hair re-growth agent (minoxidil), a nutritional supplement and monthly in-house hair and scalp treatments.


Hair restoration is a surgical procedure that is intended to permanently replace hair in balding or thinning areas. Today, the most common type of hair restoration is follicular unit hair transplantation.


  • Alopecia Areata is spotty hair loss, resulting in completely smooth areas about the size of a quarter coin or larger. In some cases, Alopecia Areata can cause the complete loss of scalp and body hair. This hair loss condition is most common in people under 30. The cause of Alopecia Areata is unknown. However, for some patients, it resolves itself spontaneously within 18 months.


  • Trichotillomania is an impulse disorder that causes people to pull out the hair from their scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or other parts of the body, resulting in noticeable bald patches. It is currently defined as an impulse-control disorder, but there are still questions about how is it should be classified. Trichotillomania is estimated to affect 1% to 2% of the population, or 4 to 11 million Americans, 90% of them women.


  • Chemotherapy can cause hair cells to stop dividing. In some cases, patients can lose up to 90% of their scalp hair. When the cancer treatment ends, the hair may possibly re-grow. Common chemotherapy drugs that cause hair loss include methotrexate, cyclophosohamide, blemycin, doxorubicin, mitomycin, cytarabine, vinblastine, and vincristine.


  • Although the American Hair Loss Council does not endorse or recommend any individual firm, they can supply you with a list of AHLC specialists in or near your specific area. All AHLC members sign a statement that they will honor our Code of Ethics which is centered around the protection of you, the consumer. Request the American Hair Loss Council Source Book.

Non Surgical Hairloss Solution

  • HAIR ADDITIONS: Any external hair bearing device added to existing hair or scalp to give one the appearance of a fuller head of hair. i.e. Hair weaves, hair extensions, hair pieces, toupees, non-surgical hair replacements, partial hair prostheses, hair wefts, etc. Devices may consist of human hair, synthetic fiber or a combination of both.


  • HOW ARE THEY KEPT ON?: Partial hair additions are attached in a variety of techniques. Either the existing hair or the skin are the anchor sites.


  • EXISTING HAIR: Weaves, fusion, bonding, cabling, micro links, beading are general terms of techniques all attached to the client's existing hair. All are used to provide more security for the active life-style. They are all dependent on the growing existing hair and therefore must be reattached or tightened as the existing hair grows.


  • TO THE SKIN: Includes adhesives such as two-sided tapes and new improved waterproof liquids. Vacuum bases- held on by suction through an air tight fitting foundation.


  • SURGERY: Tunnel grafts are small skin grafts taken from a donor site and formed into a small loop which is used to insert removable inserts permanently attached to a hair addition.


  • SUTURES: Not seen as an ethical means of attaching a hair addition. Subject must live with constant pain, and the sutures often cause infections and permanent scarring. Individual marketers of hair additions often use terms other than those listed above for exclusive marketing and advertising purposes. The above terms are the most widely used attachment methods.

Home Remedies for Hair loss

Avoid medical hair growth treatments. People have used natural remedies for hair loss for centuries. Find out what natural remedies for hair loss can work for you.



We all lose hair as we age and want it to regrow. That’s why numerous products are sold to help hair grow. Each year, millions of people consult their doctors or pharmacists for the magic cure to help regrow hair. But hair growth chemicals don’t always work as well as some natural remedies. Here, some legendary natural home remedies for hair loss.


  • Keep your hair healthy with regular cuts (every 6 to 8 weeks), gentle weekly washes, daily deep moisturizing conditioners, and air drying instead of using hair dryers.

  • Massage coconut milk into your scalp, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat 3 times per week until your hair loss decreases and healthy hair grows in.

  • Mix coconut oil with avocado and spread on hair. This combination eliminates flaking and gives your hair a healthy boost — good for natural regrowth.

  • Simmer hibiscus flowers in coconut oil and spread on hair to condition it. Rinse lightly and style as usual.

  • Apply a few drops of almond oil to hair every day.

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of amla (Indian gooseberry), reetha (from the soapnut tree), and shikakai, which comes from a shrub native to India. Add egg and form a paste. Apply on scalp and massage throughout hair. Let sit for 25 to 30 minutes, then rinse and cleanse with a mild shampoo. Try this 3 times per week for one month to help hair regrow naturally.

  • Saw palmetto has been used to treat hair loss for decades. It is the primary active ingredient found in the vast majority of natural hair loss remedies and can help hair regrow naturally.

  • Stinging nettle, one of the most common herbs used in traditional folk medicine, is said to help regrow hair naturally.

  • Gotu kola. This popular herb is available in its natural form at many health food stores and can stimulate hair growth.

  • Ginseng. This Chinese herbal medicine is said to rejuvenate the scalp, increase blood flow, and help regrow hair.

  • Fo-ti. Also known as He shou wu (Chinese for “black-haired Mr. He”), this herb has been consumed as tea or in herbal medications to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

  • Vitamin A is essential for hair growth, but too much vitamin A can actually cause hair loss, so be sure to take no more than 100,000 IU each day. And try natural food sources such as mango, orange, carrot, sweet potato, and squash.

  • Vitamin B boosts the production of hemoglobin, which helps the scalp receive enough oxygen to stay healthy and promote hair growth. Be sure to consume potatoes, bananas, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, chicken breast, oatmeal, pork loin, and roast beef.

  • Folic acid. Found in collard greens, lentils, garbanzo beans/chickpeas, papaya, peas, and asparagus, folic acid contributes to natural hair regrowth.

  • Vitamin E, which also helps blood circulate to the scalp and improve hair growth, can be found in most cereals, almonds, safflower oil, corn oil, and soybean oil.

  • Vitamin C is required for the healthy development of collagen, which is necessary for growing strong hair. Enjoy kiwi fruit, guava, red peppers, and oranges.

  • Exercise. Daily exercise improves circulation throughout your body, including your scalp, which can result in faster hair growth. Be sure to get your heart pumping at least 3 to 4 times each week.


Many of these natural remedies can help regrow hair. They’re easy and might make a difference in your rate of hair growth in just a few short months.

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